package; import; import; import javax.xml.parsers.*; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException; import org.w3c.dom.*; import org.xml.sax.*; import*; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import*; public class Busstop { String filter = ""; String urlStr = ""; public static final boolean DB_INIT = false; // 近くのバス停を探す範囲(バス停を中心としたNEER×2m四方の領域 static final int NEER = 150; // 150m(0.15km) static boolean update = false; // '-update'オプション postgisデータの更新を行う static boolean noget = false; // '-noget'オプション OSM既存データのGETを行わない public static SimpleDateFormat timeStampFmt = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"); /** * メイン * * java -cp .:ConvBusstop.jar:hayashi_0225.jar:hsqldb_2.2.9.jar [option] * OPTION: -check OSMデータ上に既存のバス停が存在するかどうかをチェックする * * @param args * * @throws IOException * @throws SQLException * @throws ClassNotFoundException * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws TransformerException * @throws SAXException * @throws ParserConfigurationException */ public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, IOException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, TransformerException { for (String arg : args) { if (arg.equals("-update")) { Busstop.update = true; } if (arg.equals("-noget")) { Busstop.noget = true; } } // HSQLディレクトリがなければ作る File dbdir = new File("database"); if (!dbdir.isDirectory()) { dbdir.mkdir(); } Connection con = DatabaseTool.openDb("database"); try { /** * 既存のOSMバス停を読み込む * OSM OverPassAPI を使って、既存のOSMバス停のデータを取得して、「existing.xml」に出力する * --> 'existing.xml' */ if (Busstop.update && !Busstop.noget) { Busstop.initDb(con); File existingFile = new File(HttpPOST.EXIST_FILE); getJapanCapabilities(con, existingFile); } /** * 都道府県ごとのGMLディレクトリの処理 */ /* int fcounter = 0; File dir = new File("."); File[] files = dir.listFiles(); for (File iDir : files) { if (checkGMLdir(iDir)) { // GMLディレクトリを処理する new Busstop(con, iDir); fcounter++; } } System.out.println("["+ fcounter +"]つのファイルをインポートしました。"); */ } finally { DatabaseTool.closeDb(con); } } public static void getJapanCapabilities(Connection con, File oFile) throws MalformedURLException, ProtocolException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException { for (Japan all1 : Japan.all) { HttpPOST.getCapabilities("highway", "bus_stop", all1.minLat, all1.maxLat, all1.minLon, all1.maxLon); readExistingFile(con); HttpPOST.getCapabilities("highway", "disused:bus_stop", all1.minLat, all1.maxLat, all1.minLon, all1.maxLon); readExistingFile(con); HttpPOST.getCapabilities("amenity", "bus_station", all1.minLat, all1.maxLat, all1.minLon, all1.maxLon); readExistingFile(con); HttpPOST.getCapabilities("public_transport", "platform", all1.minLat, all1.maxLat, all1.minLon, all1.maxLon); readExistingFile(con); HttpPOST.getCapabilities("public_transport", "stop_position", all1.minLat, all1.maxLat, all1.minLon, all1.maxLon); readExistingFile(con); } } /** * 個別の都道府県「GMLディレクトリ」を処理 * * @param con * @param gmldir * @throws SQLException * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws ClassNotFoundException * @throws IOException * @throws ParserConfigurationException * @throws SAXException * @throws TransformerException */ public Busstop(Connection con, File gmldir) throws SQLException, FileNotFoundException, ClassNotFoundException, IOException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, TransformerException { //int areacode = Integer.parseInt(gmldir.getName().substring(GML_DIR_PREFIX.length(), GML_DIR_PREFIX.length()+2)); BufferedWriter ow = null; ToPostgis postgis = null; Connection conPost = null; File outFile = new File(gmldir, "update.sql"); ow = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(outFile), "UTF-8")); if (Busstop.update) { conPost = DatabaseTool.openDb("postgis"); } File[] files = gmldir.listFiles(); try { for (File iFile : files) { /* // 対象のファイルが「数値地図情報のGMLデータファイル」の時のみ処理を行う。 if (!checkFile(iFile, areacode)) { continue; } //Busstop.clearDb(con); if (!Busstop.update) { //inputFile(con, iFile, areacode); } */ if (true) { PreparedStatement ps1; if (Busstop.update) { ps1 = conPost.prepareStatement("SELECT gid,name,ST_Y(geom) lat,ST_X(geom) lon,fixed FROM t_busstop WHERE area=?"); } else { ps1 = con.prepareStatement("SELECT idref,name,lat,lon,fixed FROM bus_stop WHERE area=?"); } try (PreparedStatement ps2 = con.prepareStatement("SELECT SUM(score) FROM existing_data where (lat > ?) and (lat < ?) and (lon > ?) and (lon < ?)")) { PreparedStatement ps3 = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE bus_stop SET fixed=? WHERE idref=?"); PreparedStatement ps4 = con.prepareStatement("SELECT SUM(score) FROM existing_data where (lat > ?) and (lat < ?) and (lon > ?) and (lon < ?) and (name = ?)"); ps1.setInt(1, areacode); ResultSet rset1 = ps1.executeQuery(); while ( { String idref = rset1.getString(1); String name = rset1.getString("name"); Double lat = rset1.getDouble("lat"); Double lon = rset1.getDouble("lon"); int fixed = rset1.getInt("fixed"); // 指定の緯度経度を中心とする半径150x2m四方の矩形領域 System.out.print(idref + "("+ name + ") ...."); RectArea rect = new RectArea(lat, lon, NEER); // 300m 四方 ps2.setDouble(1, rect.minlat); ps2.setDouble(2, rect.maxlat); ps2.setDouble(3, rect.minlon); ps2.setDouble(4, rect.maxlon); try (ResultSet rset2 = ps2.executeQuery()) { if ( { int score = rset2.getInt(1); if (score > 0) { System.out.println("."+ score); if (Busstop.update) { if (fixed != score) { String osm_node = "UPDATE t_busstop SET fixed="+ score +" WHERE gid="+ idref +";"; System.out.println(osm_node); ow.write(osm_node); ow.newLine(); } } else { ps3.setInt(1, score); ps3.setString(2, idref); ps3.executeUpdate(); } } else { // 指定の緯度経度を中心とする半径150x4m四方の矩形領域 System.out.print("***"); rect = new RectArea(lat, lon, NEER*2); // 600m 四方 ps4.setDouble(1, rect.minlat); ps4.setDouble(2, rect.maxlat); ps4.setDouble(3, rect.minlon); ps4.setDouble(4, rect.maxlon); ps4.setString(5, name); try (ResultSet rset4 = ps4.executeQuery()) { if ( { score = rset4.getInt(1); System.out.println(".."+ score); if (score != fixed) { if (Busstop.update) { String osm_node = "UPDATE t_busstop SET fixed="+ score +" WHERE gid="+ idref +";"; System.out.println(osm_node); ow.write(osm_node); ow.newLine(); } else { ps3.setInt(1, score); ps3.setString(2, idref); ps3.executeUpdate(); } } } } } } } } rset1.close(); ps3.close(); } ps1.close(); } // ローカルデータベース内の情報をPostGIS用の「busstop.sql」に出力する if (!Busstop.update) { postgis = new ToPostgis(gmldir); postgis.outputDb(con); postgis.close(); } } } finally { if (conPost != null) { DatabaseTool.closeDb(conPost); } ow.flush(); ow.close(); } } static String[] shiftArgs(String[] args) { String[] values = new String[args.length - 1]; for (int i=1; i < args.length; i++) { values[i - 1] = args[i]; } return values; } public static void readExistingFile (Connection con) throws FileNotFoundException, ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, IOException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException { int iCounter = 0; DocumentBuilderFactory factory; DocumentBuilder builder; Node root; iCounter = 0; factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); factory.setIgnoringElementContentWhitespace(true); factory.setIgnoringComments(true); factory.setValidating(true); File existingFile = new File(HttpPOST.EXIST_FILE); root = builder.parse(existingFile); iCounter += readExistingNodes(con, root); System.out.println("既存バス停数["+ iCounter +"]"); } static int readExistingNodes(Connection con, Node node) throws IOException, SQLException { int iCounter = 0; NodeList nodes = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node2 = nodes.item(i); if (node2.getNodeName().equals("node")) { iCounter++; importExistingNode(con, node2); } else { iCounter += readExistingNodes(con, node2); } } return iCounter; } static void importExistingNode(Connection con, Node node) throws IOException, SQLException { String idrefStr = ""; String latStr = ""; String lonStr = ""; String nameStr = ""; String fixmeStr = ""; int score = 0; NamedNodeMap nodeMap = node.getAttributes(); if (null != nodeMap) { for (int j=0; j < nodeMap.getLength(); j++) { switch (nodeMap.item(j).getNodeName()) { case "id": idrefStr = nodeMap.item(j).getNodeValue(); break; case "lat": latStr = nodeMap.item(j).getNodeValue(); break; case "lon": lonStr = nodeMap.item(j).getNodeValue(); break; default: break; } } NodeList nodes = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node2 = nodes.item(i); if (node2.getNodeName().equals("tag")) { NamedNodeMap nodeMap2 = node2.getAttributes(); if (null != nodeMap2) { String key = null; String value = null; for (int j=0; j < nodeMap2.getLength(); j++) { if (nodeMap2.item(j).getNodeName().equals("k")) { key = nodeMap2.item(j).getNodeValue(); } else if (nodeMap2.item(j).getNodeName().equals("v")) { value = nodeMap2.item(j).getNodeValue(); } } if ((key != null) && key.toLowerCase().equals("name") && (value != null)) { nameStr = value; } if ((key != null) && key.toLowerCase().equals("fixme") && (value != null)) { fixmeStr = value; } } } } score = 50; if (nameStr.equals("")) { score = 1; } if (!fixmeStr.equals("")) { score = 1; } // idref と nameStr をデータベースに格納する try (PreparedStatement ps1 = con.prepareStatement("SELECT name,score FROM existing_data WHERE idref=?")) { ps1.setString(1, idrefStr); ResultSet rset1 = ps1.executeQuery(); if ( { int fixed = rset1.getInt("score"); if (fixed < score) { System.out.println("update existing_data : [id:"+ idrefStr +"] score="+ Integer.toString(score) +" "+ nameStr); try (PreparedStatement ps5 = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE existing_data SET score=? WHERE idref=?")) { ps5.setInt(1, score); ps5.setString(2, idrefStr); ps5.executeUpdate(); } } } else { System.out.println("import existing_data : "+ idrefStr +" ("+ latStr +","+ lonStr+")["+ Integer.toString(score) +"]"+ nameStr); try (PreparedStatement ps5 = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO existing_data (idref,lat,lon, name, score) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)")) { ps5.setString(1, idrefStr); ps5.setDouble(2, Double.parseDouble(latStr)); ps5.setDouble(3, Double.parseDouble(lonStr)); ps5.setString(4, nameStr); ps5.setInt(5, score); ps5.executeUpdate(); } } rset1.close(); } } } /** * * @param conHsql * @param conPost * @param areacode * @throws * @throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException * @throws java.sql.SQLException * @throws * @throws javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException * @throws org.xml.sax.SAXException */ public static void updateFile (Connection conHsql, Connection conPost, int areacode) throws FileNotFoundException, ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, IOException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException { int iCounter = 0; PreparedStatement ps2; try (PreparedStatement ps1 = conPost.prepareStatement("SELECT gid,name,fixed,ST_X(geom) LON, ST_Y(geom) LAT FROM t_busstop WHERE area=?")) { ps2 = conHsql.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO bus_stop (idref,name,fixed,area,lat,lon) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)"); // idref と nameStr をデータベースに格納する ps1.setInt(1, areacode); ResultSet rset1 = ps1.executeQuery(); while ( { iCounter++; int idref = rset1.getInt("gid"); String nameStr = rset1.getString("name"); int fixed = rset1.getInt("fixed"); double lat = rset1.getDouble(4); double lon = rset1.getDouble(5); ps2.setInt(1, idref); ps2.setString(2, nameStr); ps2.setInt(3, fixed); ps2.setInt(4, areacode); ps2.setDouble(5, lon); ps2.setDouble(6, lat); System.out.println("INSERT INTO bus_stop (idref,name,fixed,area,lat,lon) VALUES ("+ idref +",'"+ nameStr +"',"+ fixed +","+ areacode +","+ lat +","+ lon +")"); ps2.executeUpdate(); } rset1.close(); } ps2.close(); System.out.println("("+ areacode +") バス停数["+ iCounter +"]"); } public static void clearDb(Connection con) throws SQLException { try (Statement stmt = con.createStatement()) { long count = stmt.executeUpdate("delete from bus_stop"); System.out.println("'Database.bus_stop'から "+ count +" 件のデータを削除しました。"); count = stmt.executeUpdate("delete from existing_data"); System.out.println("'Database.existing_data'から "+ count +" 件のデータを削除しました。"); } } public static void initDb(Connection con) throws SQLException { // 'table.BUS_STOP'を新規に作る DbBusstop.create(con); } /** * * <ksj:busRouteInformation> * <ksj:BusRouteInformation> * <ksj:busType>1</ksj:busType> * <ksj:busOperationCompany>箱根登山バス</ksj:busOperationCompany> * <ksj:busLineName>小01</ksj:busLineName> * </ksj:BusRouteInformation> * </ksj:busRouteInformation> * * @param briNode * @return */ public static String[] anaCommJGD(Node briNode) { String[] rtn = new String[3]; int vcnt = 0; NodeList nodes2 = briNode.getChildNodes(); for (int i=0; i < nodes2.getLength(); i++) { Node node2 = nodes2.item(i); if (node2.getNodeName().equals("ksj:BusRouteInformation")) { NodeList nodes3 = node2.getChildNodes(); for (int j=0; j < nodes3.getLength(); j++) { Node node3 = nodes3.item(j); if (node3.getNodeName().equals("ksj:busType")) { rtn[0] = new String(node3.getTextContent()); vcnt++; } else if (node3.getNodeName().equals("ksj:busLineName")) { rtn[1] = new String(node3.getTextContent()); vcnt++; } else if (node3.getNodeName().equals("ksj:busOperationCompany")) { rtn[2] = new String(node3.getTextContent()); vcnt++; } } } } if (vcnt > 0) { return rtn; } return null; } }