package; import*; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import*; import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import; public class DbBusstop { public static final String TABLE_NAME = "bus_stop"; public static boolean DROP = false; File inputFile; String filter = ""; int iCounter = 0; String urlStr = ""; Connection con; String timeStampStr = null; File dir = null; /** メイン * 動作条件; HSQLDBのフォルダを削除した状態で実行すること。 * フォルダを削除しないで実行する場合は「-DROP」オプションを使うこと * @param args * @throws IOException * @throws SQLException * @throws ClassNotFoundException * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException * @throws org.xml.sax.SAXException */ public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, ClassNotFoundException, IOException, SQLException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException { for (String arg : args) { if (arg.toUpperCase().equals("-DROP")) { DROP = true; } } // HSQLディレクトリがなければエラー File dbdir = new File("database"); if (!dbdir.isDirectory()) { throw new FileNotFoundException("Directory 'database' is not found."); } Connection conHsql = null; try { conHsql = DatabaseTool.openDb("database"); if (DROP) { HttpPOST.sql(conHsql, "DROP TABLE "+ TABLE_NAME); HttpPOST.sql(conHsql, "DROP INDEX "+ TABLE_NAME +"_index;"); } create(conHsql); try (PreparedStatement ps = conHsql.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM "+ TABLE_NAME)) { ps.executeUpdate(); } /** * 都道府県ごとのGMLディレクトリの処理 */ int fcounter = 0; File dir = new File("GML_BUSSTOP"); for (File gmldir : dir.listFiles()) { if (checkGMLdir(gmldir)) { // GMLディレクトリを処理する int areacode = Integer.parseInt(gmldir.getName().substring(GML_DIR_PREFIX.length(), GML_DIR_PREFIX.length()+2)); File[] files = gmldir.listFiles(); for (File iFile : files) { // 対象のファイルが「数値地図情報のGMLデータファイル」の時のみ処理を行う。 if (checkFile(iFile, areacode)) { importBusstop(conHsql, iFile, areacode); fcounter++; } } } } System.out.println("["+ fcounter +"]つのGMLファイルをインポートしました。"); DbBusstop.export(conHsql); } finally { if (conHsql != null) { DatabaseTool.closeDb(conHsql); } } } /** * 数値地図情報のGMLデータファイルを読み取ってローカルベータベースへ記録する * @param conHsql * @param iFile * @param areacode * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws ClassNotFoundException * @throws SQLException * @throws IOException * @throws ParserConfigurationException * @throws SAXException */ public static void importBusstop (Connection conHsql, File iFile, int areacode) throws FileNotFoundException, ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, IOException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException { int iCounter = 0; String timeStampStr = null; String iStr = iFile.getName(); DocumentBuilderFactory factory; DocumentBuilder builder; Node root; factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); factory.setIgnoringElementContentWhitespace(true); factory.setIgnoringComments(true); factory.setValidating(true); root = builder.parse(iFile); iCounter += showNodes(conHsql, root, iStr.substring(0, iStr.length() - 4), areacode); System.out.println("("+ areacode +") バス停数["+ iCounter +"]"); } /** * * @param con * @param node * @param iFileName // ソースファイル名(拡張子を含まない) * @param areacode * @return * @throws IOException * @throws SQLException */ public static int showNodes(Connection con, Node node, String iFileName, int areacode) throws IOException, SQLException { int iCounter = 0; NodeList nodes = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i=0; i<nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node2 = nodes.item(i); switch (node2.getNodeName()) { case "gml:Point": showGmlPoint(con, node2, areacode); break; case "ksj:BusStop": iCounter++; showBusStop(con, node2, iFileName, areacode); break; default: iCounter += showNodes(con, node2, iFileName, areacode); break; } } return iCounter; } /** * <gml:Point gml:id="n1"> * <gml:pos>35.14591397 139.10569573</gml:pos> * </gml:Point> * * @param con * @param node * @param areacode * @throws IOException * @throws SQLException */ public static void showGmlPoint(Connection con, Node node, int areacode) throws IOException, SQLException { String positionStr = ""; String latStr = ""; String lonStr = ""; String idStr = ""; NamedNodeMap nodeMap = node.getAttributes(); if ( null != nodeMap ) { for ( int j=0; j<nodeMap.getLength(); j++ ) { if (nodeMap.item(j).getNodeName().equals("gml:id")) { idStr = nodeMap.item(j).getNodeValue(); } } } NodeList nodes = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i=0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node2 = nodes.item(i); if (node2.getNodeName().equals("gml:pos")) { positionStr = node2.getTextContent().trim(); String[] str4Ary = positionStr.split(" "); latStr = str4Ary[0]; lonStr = str4Ary[1]; try (PreparedStatement ps6 = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO "+ TABLE_NAME +" (lat,lon,fixed,fixed1,area,gmlid,up) VALUES (?,?,0,0,?,?,2)")) { double lat = Double.parseDouble(latStr); double lon = Double.parseDouble(lonStr); System.out.println("INSERT INTO "+ TABLE_NAME +" (lat,lon,fixed,fixed1,area,gmlid,up) VALUES ('"+ latStr +"','"+ lonStr +"',0,0,"+ areacode +",'"+ idStr +"',2)"); ps6.setDouble(1, lat); ps6.setDouble(2, lon); ps6.setInt(3, areacode); ps6.setString(4, idStr); ps6.executeUpdate(); } } } } /** * <ksj:BusStop gml:id="ED01_1"> * <ksj:position xlink:href="#n1"/> * <ksj:busStopName>城堀</ksj:busStopName> * <ksj:busRouteInformation> * <ksj:BusRouteInformation> * <ksj:busType>1</ksj:busType> * <ksj:busOperationCompany>箱根登山バス</ksj:busOperationCompany> * <ksj:busLineName>小01</ksj:busLineName> * </ksj:BusRouteInformation> * </ksj:busRouteInformation> * <ksj:busRouteInformation> * <ksj:BusRouteInformation> * <ksj:busType>1</ksj:busType> * <ksj:busOperationCompany>箱根登山バス</ksj:busOperationCompany> * <ksj:busLineName>湯07</ksj:busLineName> * </ksj:BusRouteInformation> * </ksj:busRouteInformation> * <ksj:busRouteInformation> * <ksj:BusRouteInformation> * <ksj:busType>1</ksj:busType> * <ksj:busOperationCompany>箱根登山バス</ksj:busOperationCompany> * <ksj:busLineName>湯11</ksj:busLineName> * </ksj:BusRouteInformation> * </ksj:busRouteInformation> * </ksj:BusStop> * * @param con * @param node * @param iFileName // ソースファイル名(拡張子を含まない) * @param areacode * @throws IOException * @throws SQLException */ public static void showBusStop(Connection con, Node node, String iFileName, int areacode) throws IOException, SQLException { String gmlidStr = ""; String nameStr = ""; try (PreparedStatement ps2 = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE bus_stop SET name=?,ifile=? WHERE (gmlid=? and area=?)")) { ArrayList<String[]> bris = new ArrayList<>(); NodeList nodes = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i=0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node2 = nodes.item(i); switch (node2.getNodeName()) { case "ksj:position": NamedNodeMap nodeMap = node2.getAttributes(); if (null != nodeMap) { for ( int j=0; j < nodeMap.getLength(); j++ ) { if (nodeMap.item(j).getNodeName().equals("xlink:href")) { gmlidStr = nodeMap.item(j).getNodeValue(); gmlidStr = gmlidStr.substring(1); System.out.println("found gmlid='"+ gmlidStr +"'"); break; } } } break; case "ksj:busStopName": nameStr = node2.getTextContent(); break; case "ksj:busRouteInformation": String[] rtn = anaCommJGD(node2); if (rtn != null) { bris.add(rtn); } break; default: break; } } // gmlid と nameStr をデータベースに格納する ps2.setString(1, nameStr); ps2.setString(2, iFileName); ps2.setString(3, gmlidStr); ps2.setInt(4, areacode); System.out.println("UPDATE bus_stop SET name='"+ nameStr +"',ifile='"+ iFileName +"' WHERE (gmlid='"+ gmlidStr +"' and area="+ areacode +")"); ps2.executeUpdate(); } } /** * * <ksj:busRouteInformation> * <ksj:BusRouteInformation> * <ksj:busType>1</ksj:busType> * <ksj:busOperationCompany>箱根登山バス</ksj:busOperationCompany> * <ksj:busLineName>小01</ksj:busLineName> * </ksj:BusRouteInformation> * </ksj:busRouteInformation> * * @param briNode * @return */ public static String[] anaCommJGD(Node briNode) { String[] rtn = new String[3]; int vcnt = 0; NodeList nodes2 = briNode.getChildNodes(); for (int i=0; i < nodes2.getLength(); i++) { Node node2 = nodes2.item(i); if (node2.getNodeName().equals("ksj:BusRouteInformation")) { NodeList nodes3 = node2.getChildNodes(); for (int j=0; j < nodes3.getLength(); j++) { Node node3 = nodes3.item(j); switch (node3.getNodeName()) { case "ksj:busType": rtn[0] = node3.getTextContent(); vcnt++; break; case "ksj:busLineName": rtn[1] = node3.getTextContent(); vcnt++; break; case "ksj:busOperationCompany": rtn[2] = node3.getTextContent(); vcnt++; break; default: break; } } } } if (vcnt > 0) { return rtn; } return null; } /** * 'table.BUS_STOP'を新規に作る * 既にテーブルが存在する時には何もしない * @param conHsql * @throws SQLException */ public static void create(Connection conHsql) throws SQLException { String createSt; // 'table.BUS_STOP'を新規に作る createSt = "CREATE TABLE "+ TABLE_NAME +" (gmlid VARCHAR(12) NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(128), lat DOUBLE, lon DOUBLE, fixed INT, fixed1 INT, area INT, ifile VARCHAR(128), up INT, CONSTRAINT "+ TABLE_NAME +"_pk PRIMARY KEY(gmlid, area));"; HttpPOST.sql(conHsql, createSt); createSt = "CREATE INDEX "+ TABLE_NAME +"_index ON "+ TABLE_NAME +" (lat,lon);"; HttpPOST.sql(conHsql, createSt); } /** * 'table.BUS_STOP'の内容をCSV形式にして標準出力に出力する * @param con */ public static void export(Connection con) { try { System.out.println("TABLE: BUS_STOP"); System.out.println("\"gmlid\",\"name\",\"lat\",\"lon\",\"fixed\",\"ifile\""); PreparedStatement ps8 = con.prepareStatement("SELECT gmlid,name,lat,lon,fixed,ifile FROM bus_stop"); try (ResultSet rset8 = ps8.executeQuery()) { while ( { String gmlid = rset8.getString("gmlid"); String name = rset8.getString("name"); Double lat = rset8.getDouble("lat"); Double lon = rset8.getDouble("lon"); int fixed = rset8.getInt("fixed"); String ifile = rset8.getString("ifile"); System.out.println("\""+ gmlid +"\",\""+ name +"\","+ lat +","+ lon +","+ fixed +",\""+ ifile +"\""); } } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * 数値地図情報のGMLデータファイルかどうかを見極める * @param f * @return */ static boolean checkFile(File f, int areacode) { String name = f.getName(); if (!name.startsWith(GML_DIR_PREFIX)) { return false; } if (!name.toUpperCase().endsWith(".XML")) { return false; } return Integer.parseInt(name.substring(GML_DIR_PREFIX.length(), GML_DIR_PREFIX.length()+2)) == areacode; } /** * 数値地図情報のデータディレクトリかどうかを見極める * @param f * @return */ public static boolean checkGMLdir(File f) { if (!f.isDirectory()) { return false; } String name = f.getName(); if (!name.startsWith(GML_DIR_PREFIX)) { return false; } return name.toUpperCase().endsWith(GML_DIR_PRIFIX); } public static final String GML_DIR_PREFIX = "P11-10_"; public static final String GML_DIR_PRIFIX = "_GML"; }