package; import; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import; /** * 国土数値情報から読み取ったデータをPostGISへインサートするためのSQLファイルに出力する。 * 出力ファイル名: "t_POSTOFFICE.sql" * テーブル名: t_POSTOFFICE * インデックス: ix_t_POSTOFFICE_geom * gid PostGISの識別ID * idstr 国土数値情報のノードID * fixed OSMのNodeが周辺に存在するかどうか、存在しない場合は0,存在する場合はそのScoreの合計。 * area 都道府県コード * geom PostGIS形式の位置情報(4612:) * @author yuu * */ public class ToPostgis { String tableName = null; public PostgisItems items = null; public ToPostgis(String tableName) { this.tableName = tableName; this.items = new PostgisItems(); items.add(new PostgisItem("gmlid", "gmlid")); items.add(new PostgisItem("idref", "idref")); items.add(new PostgisItem("area", "area")); items.add(new PostgisItem("fixed", "fixed1")); items.add(new PostgisItem("code", "code")); } public ToPostgis(String tableName, PostgisItems items) { this(tableName); this.items = items; } public void transport() throws Exception { try (Connection conHsql = DatabaseTool.openDb("database"); Connection conPost = DatabaseTool.openDb("postgis")) { transportNew(conHsql, conPost); toInsert(conHsql, conPost); } } /** * HSQLDB: "SELECT idref,area,fixed,lat,lon FROM POSTOFFICE" * POSTGIS "insert into t_POSTOFFICE(idref,fixed,area,geom) VALUES('n000001',0,0, ST_GeomFromText('POINT(136.9695284611471 35.10300377075564)', 4612));" * * @param conHsql * @param conPost * @throws * @throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException * @throws java.sql.SQLException * @throws * @throws javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException * @throws org.xml.sax.SAXException */ /* <pre>{@code CREATE TABLE public.t_TABLENAME ( gid integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('t_TABLENAME_gid_seq'::regclass), gmlid text, idref text, name text, fixed integer, area integer, code integer, geom geometry(Point,4612), CONSTRAINT t_TABLENAME_pkey PRIMARY KEY (gid) ) WITH (OIDS=FALSE); ALTER TABLE public.t_TABLENAME OWNER TO postgres; CREATE INDEX ix_TABLENAME_geom ON public.t_TABLENAME USING gist (geom); }</pre> */ public void transportNew(Connection conHsql, Connection conPost) throws FileNotFoundException, ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, IOException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException { HttpPOST posgre = new HttpPOST(conPost, null); posgre.sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t_"+ tableName +" CASCADE;"); posgre.sql("CREATE TABLE t_"+ tableName +" (" + "gid SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, " + "gmlid varchar(24), " + "idref varchar(24), " + "fixed integer, " + "area integer, " + "code integer, " + "geom GEOMETRY(POINT, 4612)" + ");"); posgre.sql("CREATE INDEX ix_"+ tableName +"_geom ON t_"+ tableName +" USING GiST (geom);"); } public void toInsert (Connection conHsql, Connection conPost) throws FileNotFoundException, ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, IOException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException { String sql = items.getSqlStr(tableName); try (PreparedStatement ps1 = conHsql.prepareStatement(sql)) { try (ResultSet rset1 = ps1.executeQuery()) { while ( { items.setResuit(rset1); String sqlStr = "INSERT INTO t_"+ tableName +" (gmlid,idref,fixed,area,code,geom) " + "VALUES (?,?,?,?,?, ST_GeomFromText('POINT(? ?)',4612))"; try (PreparedStatement ps = conPost.prepareStatement(sqlStr)) { printMark(); ps.setString(1, items.gmlid); ps.setString(2, items.idref); ps.setInt(3, items.fixed); ps.setInt(4, items.area); ps.setInt(5, items.code); ps.setDouble(6, items.lon); ps.setDouble(7,; ps.executeUpdate(); } } } } } public static int outCnt = 0; public static void printMark() { System.out.print("."); outCnt++; if (outCnt >= 100) { outCnt = 0; System.out.println(); } } }