diff --git a/src/osm/jp/api/Osmdb.java b/src/osm/jp/api/Osmdb.java
index cd24c04..d236058 100644
--- a/src/osm/jp/api/Osmdb.java
+++ b/src/osm/jp/api/Osmdb.java
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
import java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException;
import java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException;
import jp.co.areaweb.tools.csv.CsvRecord;
+import jp.co.areaweb.tools.database.DatabaseTool;
import org.hsqldb.HsqlException;
import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
@@ -80,6 +81,28 @@
public static final int POINT_NO_NAME = 4; // 評価ポイント|name=null → score=1
public static final int POINT_BUS_NO = 8; // 評価ポイント|!(bus=yes) → score=0
+ /**
+ * 'table.FUEL'の内容をCSV形式にして標準出力に出力する
+ * @param hsqldb
+ * @throws java.sql.SQLException
+ */
+ public static void export(Connection hsqldb) throws SQLException {
+ String header = "idref,lat,lon,score";
+ System.out.println("TABLE: "+ TABLE_NAME);
+ System.out.println(header);
+ PreparedStatement ps8 = hsqldb.prepareStatement("SELECT idref,lat,lon,score FROM "+ TABLE_NAME);
+ try (ResultSet rset8 = ps8.executeQuery()) {
+ while (rset8.next()) {
+ String idcode = rset8.getString(1);
+ Double lat = rset8.getDouble(2);
+ Double lon = rset8.getDouble(3);
+ int score = rset8.getInt(4);
+ System.out.println("OSM: "+ idcode +","+ lat +","+ lon +","+ score);
+ }
+ }
+ }
public int importExistingNode(Connection hsqldb, Connection osmdb, ResultSet rset, int point) throws IOException, SQLException {
@@ -169,6 +192,200 @@
return 0;
+ /**
+ * File(HttpPOST.EXIST_FILE)を読み取って、データベースに反映させる。
+ * その際に、OSMノードを評価し、scoreを算定する
+ *
+ * @param hsqldb 反映先のデータベースコネクタ(HSQLDB)
+ * @param sqlWhere POI条件
+ * @param point 評価ポイント[POINT_NO|POINT_BRAND|POINT_NAME] 1: 'brand' 2:'name'
+ * @throws Exception エラー
+ */
+ public void readExisting(Connection hsqldb, String sqlWhere, int point) throws Exception {
+ Connection osmdb = null;
+ long counter = 0L;
+ try {
+ osmdb = DatabaseTool.openDb("osmdb");
+ String sqlSelect = "osm_id,brand,disused,name,ST_Y(ST_Transform(way,4326)) as lat,ST_X(ST_Transform(way,4326)) as lon";
+ String sqlNode = String.format("SELECT %s FROM planet_osm_point %s", sqlSelect, sqlWhere);
+ System.out.println(sqlNode);
+ PreparedStatement ps1 = osmdb.prepareStatement(sqlNode);
+ try (ResultSet rset1 = ps1.executeQuery()) {
+ while (rset1.next()) {
+ counter += importExistingNode(hsqldb, osmdb, rset1, point);
+ }
+ }
+ sqlSelect = "osm_id,brand,disused,name,ST_Y(ST_Transform(ST_Centroid(way),4326)) as lat,ST_X(ST_Transform(ST_Centroid(way),4326)) as lon";
+ String sqlArea = String.format("SELECT %s FROM planet_osm_polygon %s", sqlSelect, sqlWhere);
+ System.out.println(sqlArea);
+ PreparedStatement ps2 = osmdb.prepareStatement(sqlArea);
+ try (ResultSet rset2 = ps2.executeQuery()) {
+ while (rset2.next()) {
+ counter += importExistingNode(hsqldb, osmdb, rset2, point);
+ }
+ }
+ System.out.println("Exists Node count = " + counter);
+ }
+ finally {
+ DatabaseTool.closeDb(osmdb);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * planet_osm_nodes.id,
+ * planet_osm_nodes.tags
+ * planet_osm_nodes.way --> lat & lon
+ * FROM
+ * public.planet_osm_point,
+ * public.planet_osm_nodes
+ * WHERE (
+ * planet_osm_point.osm_id = planet_osm_nodes.id
+ * and 'disused:amenity'=ANY(planet_osm_nodes.tags)
+ * and 'fuel'=ANY(planet_osm_nodes.tags)
+ * )
+ *
+ * @param hsqldb
+ * @param kStr
+ * @param vStr
+ * @param point
+ * @throws Exception
+ */
+ public void readExistingSub(Connection hsqldb, String kStr, String vStr, int point) throws Exception {
+ Connection osmdb = null;
+ long counter = 0L;
+ try {
+ osmdb = DatabaseTool.openDb("osmdb");
+ String sqlSelect = "SELECT tags,id,ST_Y(ST_Transform(way,4326)) as lat,ST_X(ST_Transform(way,4326)) as lon";
+ String sqlWhere = String.format("WHERE (osm_id=id AND '%s'=ANY(tags) AND '%s'=ANY(tags))", kStr, vStr);
+ String sql = String.format("%s FROM planet_osm_point,planet_osm_nodes %s", sqlSelect, sqlWhere);
+ System.out.println(sql);
+ PreparedStatement ps1 = osmdb.prepareStatement(sql);
+ try (ResultSet rset1 = ps1.executeQuery()) {
+ while (rset1.next()) {
+ String tags = rset1.getString("tags");
+ String idref = rset1.getString("id");
+ String latStr = rset1.getString("lat");
+ String lonStr = rset1.getString("lon");
+ double lat = Double.valueOf(latStr);
+ double lon = Double.valueOf(lonStr);
+ int score = score(point, tags);
+ //counter += importExistingNode(hsqldb, osmdb, rset1, point);
+ counter += insertExistingNode(hsqldb, idref, lat, lon, score, "");
+ }
+ }
+ System.out.println("Exists Node count = " + counter);
+ }
+ finally {
+ DatabaseTool.closeDb(osmdb);
+ }
+ }
+ int score(int point, String tags) {
+ int score = 50;
+ if (tags == null) {
+ return score;
+ }
+ boolean brandYes = false;
+ boolean busYes = false;
+ boolean fixmeYes = false;
+ boolean nameYes = false;
+ tags = tags.substring(1);
+ tags = tags.substring(0, tags.length()-1);
+ CsvRecord csv = new CsvRecord();
+ csv.analizeRecord(tags);
+ boolean key = true;
+ boolean bus = false;
+ for (String str : csv) {
+ if (key) {
+ if (str.startsWith("fixme")) {
+ fixmeYes = true;
+ }
+ else if (str.equals("bus")) {
+ bus = true;
+ }
+ else if (str.equals("brand")) {
+ brandYes = true;
+ }
+ else if (str.startsWith("name")) {
+ nameYes = true;
+ }
+ key = false;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (bus) {
+ if (str.equals("yes")) {
+ busYes = true;
+ }
+ bus = false;
+ }
+ key = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (((point & POINT_NO_BRAND) != 0) && !brandYes) {
+ score = 1;
+ }
+ if (((point & POINT_NO_NAME) != 0) && !nameYes) {
+ score = 1;
+ }
+ if (((point & POINT_FIXME) != 0) && fixmeYes) {
+ score = 1;
+ }
+ if (((point & POINT_BUS_NO) != 0) && !busYes) {
+ score = 0;
+ }
+ return score;
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * @param hsqldb
+ * @param idref
+ * @param lat
+ * @param lon
+ * @param score
+ * @param name
+ * @return
+ * @throws IOException
+ * @throws SQLException
+ */
+ public int insertExistingNode(Connection hsqldb, String idref, double lat, double lon, int score, String name) throws IOException, SQLException {
+ // idref と brandStr をデータベースに格納する
+ String sql = String.format("INSERT INTO %s (idref,lat,lon,score,name) VALUES (%s,%2.7f,%3.7f,%d,%s)",
+ idref, lat, lon, score, name);
+ System.out.println(sql);
+ sql = String.format("INSERT INTO %s (idref,lat,lon,score,name) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)", TABLE_NAME);
+ try (PreparedStatement ps5 = hsqldb.prepareStatement(sql)) {
+ ps5.setString(1, idref);
+ ps5.setDouble(2, lat);
+ ps5.setDouble(3, lon);
+ ps5.setInt(4, score);
+ ps5.setString(5, name);
+ ps5.executeUpdate();
+ return 1;
+ }
+ catch (HsqlException | SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException e) {
+ // integrity constraint violation: unique constraint or index violation; SYS_PK_10069 table: FUEL_EXIST
+ // [HsqlException]は、無視する
+ // integrity constraint violation: unique constraint or index violation; SYS_PK_10069 table: FUEL_EXIST
+ // [SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException]は、無視する
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
boolean isNull(String vstr) {
if (vstr == null) {
diff --git a/src/osm/jp/coverage/fuel/DbExist.java b/src/osm/jp/coverage/fuel/DbExist.java
index 825423d..2fdb284 100644
--- a/src/osm/jp/coverage/fuel/DbExist.java
+++ b/src/osm/jp/coverage/fuel/DbExist.java
@@ -1,14 +1,10 @@
package osm.jp.coverage.fuel;
-import java.io.IOException;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
-import java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException;
-import jp.co.areaweb.tools.csv.CsvRecord;
import jp.co.areaweb.tools.database.*;
-import org.hsqldb.HsqlException;
import osm.jp.api.Osmdb;
public class DbExist extends Osmdb {
@@ -31,7 +27,6 @@
(new DbExist()).getJapanCapabilities(hsqldb);
finally {
@@ -43,7 +38,7 @@
Test data:
- ノード: エネオス (2015835273) 場所: 35.4367770, 139.4035710
+ ノード: エネオス (2015835273) 場所: 35.4367770, 139.403571TABLE_NAME0
ノード: ENEOS (1769261234) 場所: 35.4330583, 139.4006876 brand=no
ノード: 出光 (3877535257) 場所: 45.3985390, 141.6882450 brand=no
@@ -113,210 +108,4 @@
readExistingSub(hsqldb, "removed:amenity", "fuel", POINT_NO);
readExistingSub(hsqldb, "no:amenity", "fuel", POINT_NO);
- /**
- * 'table.FUEL'の内容をCSV形式にして標準出力に出力する
- * @param hsqldb
- * @throws java.sql.SQLException
- */
- public static void export(Connection hsqldb) throws SQLException {
- String header = "idref,lat,lon,score";
- System.out.println("TABLE: "+ TABLE_NAME);
- System.out.println(header);
- PreparedStatement ps8 = hsqldb.prepareStatement("SELECT idref,lat,lon,score FROM "+ TABLE_NAME);
- try (ResultSet rset8 = ps8.executeQuery()) {
- while (rset8.next()) {
- String idcode = rset8.getString(1);
- Double lat = rset8.getDouble(2);
- Double lon = rset8.getDouble(3);
- int score = rset8.getInt(4);
- System.out.println("OSM: "+ idcode +","+ lat +","+ lon +","+ score);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * File(HttpPOST.EXIST_FILE)を読み取って、データベースに反映させる。
- * その際に、OSMノードを評価し、scoreを算定する
- *
- * @param hsqldb 反映先のデータベースコネクタ(HSQLDB)
- * @param sqlWhere POI条件
- * @param point 評価ポイント[POINT_NO|POINT_BRAND|POINT_NAME] 1: 'brand' 2:'name'
- * @throws Exception エラー
- */
- public void readExisting(Connection hsqldb, String sqlWhere, int point) throws Exception {
- Connection osmdb = null;
- long counter = 0L;
- try {
- osmdb = DatabaseTool.openDb("osmdb");
- String sqlNode = "select osm_id,brand,disused,name,ST_Y(ST_Transform(way,4326)) as lat,ST_X(ST_Transform(way,4326)) as lon from planet_osm_point " + sqlWhere;
- PreparedStatement ps1 = osmdb.prepareStatement(sqlNode);
- try (ResultSet rset1 = ps1.executeQuery()) {
- while (rset1.next()) {
- counter += importExistingNode(hsqldb, osmdb, rset1, point);
- }
- }
- String sqlArea = "select osm_id,brand,disused,name,ST_Y(ST_Transform(ST_Centroid(way),4326)) as lat,ST_X(ST_Transform(ST_Centroid(way),4326)) as lon from planet_osm_polygon " + sqlWhere;
- PreparedStatement ps2 = osmdb.prepareStatement(sqlArea);
- try (ResultSet rset2 = ps2.executeQuery()) {
- while (rset2.next()) {
- counter += importExistingNode(hsqldb, osmdb, rset2, point);
- }
- }
- System.out.println("Exists Node count = " + counter);
- }
- finally {
- DatabaseTool.closeDb(osmdb);
- }
- }
- /**
- *
- planet_osm_point.osm_id,
- planet_osm_point.amenity,
- planet_osm_point.brand,
- planet_osm_nodes.id,
- planet_osm_nodes.tags
- public.planet_osm_point,
- public.planet_osm_nodes
- planet_osm_point.osm_id = planet_osm_nodes.id and 'disused:amenity'=ANY(planet_osm_nodes.tags) and 'fuel'=ANY(planet_osm_nodes.tags);
- *
- * @param hsqldb
- * @param kStr
- * @param vStr
- * @param point
- * @throws Exception
- */
- public void readExistingSub(Connection hsqldb, String kStr, String vStr, int point) throws Exception {
- Connection osmdb = null;
- long counter = 0L;
- try {
- osmdb = DatabaseTool.openDb("osmdb");
- String sqlSelect = "SELECT tags,id,ST_Y(ST_Transform(way,4326)) as lat,ST_X(ST_Transform(way,4326)) as lon";
- String sqlWhere = String.format("WHERE (osm_id=id AND '%s'=ANY(tags) AND '%s'=ANY(tags))", kStr, vStr);
- String sql = String.format("%s FROM planet_osm_point,planet_osm_nodes %s", sqlSelect, sqlWhere);
- System.out.println(sql);
- PreparedStatement ps1 = osmdb.prepareStatement(sql);
- try (ResultSet rset1 = ps1.executeQuery()) {
- while (rset1.next()) {
- String tags = rset1.getString("tags");
- String idref = rset1.getString("id");
- String latStr = rset1.getString("lat");
- String lonStr = rset1.getString("lon");
- double lat = Double.valueOf(latStr);
- double lon = Double.valueOf(lonStr);
- int score = score(point, tags);
- //counter += importExistingNode(hsqldb, osmdb, rset1, point);
- counter += insertExistingNode(hsqldb, idref, lat, lon, score, "");
- }
- }
- System.out.println("Exists Node count = " + counter);
- }
- finally {
- DatabaseTool.closeDb(osmdb);
- }
- }
- int score(int point, String tags) {
- int score = 50;
- if (tags == null) {
- return score;
- }
- boolean brandYes = false;
- boolean busYes = false;
- boolean fixmeYes = false;
- boolean nameYes = false;
- tags = tags.substring(1);
- tags = tags.substring(0, tags.length()-1);
- CsvRecord csv = new CsvRecord();
- csv.analizeRecord(tags);
- boolean key = true;
- boolean bus = false;
- for (String str : csv) {
- if (key) {
- if (str.startsWith("fixme")) {
- fixmeYes = true;
- }
- else if (str.equals("bus")) {
- bus = true;
- }
- else if (str.equals("brand")) {
- brandYes = true;
- }
- else if (str.startsWith("name")) {
- nameYes = true;
- }
- key = false;
- }
- else {
- if (bus) {
- if (str.equals("yes")) {
- busYes = true;
- }
- bus = false;
- }
- key = true;
- }
- }
- if (((point & POINT_NO_BRAND) != 0) && !brandYes) {
- score = 1;
- }
- if (((point & POINT_NO_NAME) != 0) && !nameYes) {
- score = 1;
- }
- if (((point & POINT_FIXME) != 0) && fixmeYes) {
- score = 1;
- }
- if (((point & POINT_BUS_NO) != 0) && !busYes) {
- score = 0;
- }
- return score;
- }
- /**
- *
- * @param hsqldb
- * @param idref
- * @param lat
- * @param lon
- * @param score
- * @param name
- * @return
- * @throws IOException
- * @throws SQLException
- */
- public int insertExistingNode(Connection hsqldb, String idref, double lat, double lon, int score, String name) throws IOException, SQLException {
- // idref と brandStr をデータベースに格納する
- String sql = String.format("INSERT INTO %s (idref,lat,lon,score,name) VALUES (%s,%2.7f,%3.7f,%d,%s)",
- idref, lat, lon, score, name);
- System.out.println(sql);
- sql = String.format("INSERT INTO %s (idref,lat,lon,score,name) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)", TABLE_NAME);
- try (PreparedStatement ps5 = hsqldb.prepareStatement(sql)) {
- ps5.setString(1, idref);
- ps5.setDouble(2, lat);
- ps5.setDouble(3, lon);
- ps5.setInt(4, score);
- ps5.setString(5, name);
- ps5.executeUpdate();
- return 1;
- }
- catch (HsqlException | SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException e) {
- // integrity constraint violation: unique constraint or index violation; SYS_PK_10069 table: FUEL_EXIST
- // [HsqlException]は、無視する
- // integrity constraint violation: unique constraint or index violation; SYS_PK_10069 table: FUEL_EXIST
- // [SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException]は、無視する
- }
- return 0;
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/osm/jp/coverage/postoffice/DbExist.java b/src/osm/jp/coverage/postoffice/DbExist.java
index 2cab8fb..a7500ea 100644
--- a/src/osm/jp/coverage/postoffice/DbExist.java
+++ b/src/osm/jp/coverage/postoffice/DbExist.java
@@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
package osm.jp.coverage.postoffice;
import java.sql.Connection;
-import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
-import java.sql.ResultSet;
-import java.sql.SQLException;
-import jp.co.areaweb.tools.csv.CsvRecord;
import jp.co.areaweb.tools.database.*;
import osm.jp.api.Osmdb;
@@ -37,37 +33,6 @@
- /*
- Test data:
- ノード: エネオス (2015835273) 場所: 35.4367770, 139.4035710
- ノード: ENEOS (1769261234) 場所: 35.4330583, 139.4006876 brand=no
- ノード: 出光 (3877535257) 場所: 45.3985390, 141.6882450 brand=no
- select osm_id,amenity,brand,disused,name,
- ST_Y(ST_Transform(way,4326)) as lat,
- ST_X(ST_Transform(way,4326)) as lon
- from planet_osm_point
- where amenity='fuel';
- ウェイ: 出光 (161877397) ノード
- 1738352013
- 1738351984
- 1738352019
- 1738352024
- 1738352017
- 1738352013
- select osm_id,amenity,brand,name,way_area,
- ST_Astext(ST_Transform(way,4326)) ,
- ST_Y(ST_Transform(ST_Centroid(way),4326)) as lat,
- ST_X(ST_Transform(ST_Centroid(way),4326)) as lon
- from planet_osm_polygon
- where amenity='fuel';
- 161877397;"fuel";"出光";"出光";1415.14;"POLYGON((139.402982078119 35.4372453832977,139.403208992559 35.4373490207424,139.4033330499 35.4371591650393,139.403407160911 35.4370741177365,139.403148446109 35.4369273706731,139.402982078119 35.4372453832977))"
- ST_Centroid(way)
- */
{@code @@ -109,126 +74,4 @@ readExistingSub(hsqldb, "no:amenity", "post_office", POINT_NO); } - /** - * 'table.POSTOFFICE'の内容をCSV形式にして標準出力に出力する - * @param hsqldb - * @throws java.sql.SQLException - */ - public static void export(Connection hsqldb) throws SQLException { - String header = "idref,lat,lon,score"; - System.out.println(header); - PreparedStatement ps8 = hsqldb.prepareStatement("SELECT idref,lat,lon,score FROM "+ TABLE_NAME); - try (ResultSet rset8 = ps8.executeQuery()) { - while (rset8.next()) { - String idcode = rset8.getString(1); - Double lat = rset8.getDouble(2); - Double lon = rset8.getDouble(3); - int score = rset8.getInt(4); - System.out.println("OSM: "+ idcode +","+ lat +","+ lon +","+ score); - } - } - } - - /** - * File(HttpPOST.EXIST_FILE)を読み取って、データベースに反映させる。
- * その際に、OSMノードを評価し、scoreを算定する - * - * @param hsqldb 反映先のデータベースコネクタ(HSQLDB) - * @param sqlWhere POI条件 - * @param point 評価ポイント[POINT_NO|POINT_BRAND|POINT_NAME] 1: 'brand' 2:'name' - * @throws Exception エラー - */ - public void readExisting(Connection hsqldb, String sqlWhere, int point) throws Exception { - Connection osmdb = null; - long counter = 0L; - try { - osmdb = DatabaseTool.openDb("osmdb"); - String sqlNode = "select osm_id,brand,disused,name,ST_Y(ST_Transform(way,4326)) as lat,ST_X(ST_Transform(way,4326)) as lon from planet_osm_point " + sqlWhere; - PreparedStatement ps1 = osmdb.prepareStatement(sqlNode); - try (ResultSet rset1 = ps1.executeQuery()) { - while (rset1.next()) { - counter += importExistingNode(hsqldb, osmdb, rset1, point); - } - } - String sqlArea = "select osm_id,brand,disused,name,ST_Y(ST_Transform(ST_Centroid(way),4326)) as lat,ST_X(ST_Transform(ST_Centroid(way),4326)) as lon from planet_osm_polygon " + sqlWhere; - PreparedStatement ps2 = osmdb.prepareStatement(sqlArea); - try (ResultSet rset2 = ps2.executeQuery()) { - while (rset2.next()) { - counter += importExistingNode(hsqldb, osmdb, rset2, point); - } - } - - System.out.println("Exists Node count = " + counter); - } - finally { - DatabaseTool.closeDb(osmdb); - } - } - - /** - * - * SELECT - planet_osm_point.osm_id, - planet_osm_point.amenity, - planet_osm_point.brand, - planet_osm_nodes.id, - planet_osm_nodes.tags - FROM - public.planet_osm_point, - public.planet_osm_nodes - WHERE - planet_osm_point.osm_id = planet_osm_nodes.id and 'disused:amenity'=ANY(planet_osm_nodes.tags) and 'fuel'=ANY(planet_osm_nodes.tags); - * - * @param hsqldb - * @param kStr - * @param vStr - * @param point - * @throws Exception - */ - public void readExistingSub(Connection hsqldb, String kStr, String vStr, int point) throws Exception { - Connection osmdb = null; - long counter = 0L; - try { - osmdb = DatabaseTool.openDb("osmdb"); - - PreparedStatement ps1 = osmdb.prepareStatement("SELECT osm_id,brand,name,disused,tags,ST_Y(ST_Transform(way,4326)) as lat,ST_X(ST_Transform(way,4326)) as lon FROM planet_osm_point,planet_osm_nodes WHERE osm_id=id AND '"+ kStr +"'=ANY(tags) AND '"+ vStr +"'=ANY(tags)"); - try (ResultSet rset1 = ps1.executeQuery()) { - while (rset1.next()) { - String tags = rset1.getString("tags"); - if (tags != null) { - tags = tags.substring(1); - tags = tags.substring(0, tags.length()-1); - CsvRecord csv = new CsvRecord(); - csv.analizeRecord(tags); - - boolean key = false; - for (String str : csv) { - if (key) { - if (str.equals(vStr)) { - counter += importExistingNode(hsqldb, osmdb, rset1, point); - break; - } - key = false; - } - else { - if (str.equals(kStr)) { - key = true; - } - } - } - } - } - } - PreparedStatement ps2 = osmdb.prepareStatement("SELECT osm_id,brand,disused,name,tags,ST_Y(ST_Transform(ST_Centroid(way),4326)) as lat,ST_X(ST_Transform(ST_Centroid(way),4326)) as lon FROM planet_osm_polygon,planet_osm_nodes WHERE osm_id=id AND '"+ kStr +"'=ANY(tags) AND '"+ vStr +"'=ANY(tags)"); - try (ResultSet rset2 = ps2.executeQuery()) { - while (rset2.next()) { - counter += importExistingNode(hsqldb, osmdb, rset2, point); - } - } - System.out.println("Exists Node count = " + counter); - } - finally { - DatabaseTool.closeDb(osmdb); - } - } } \ No newline at end of file